I’ve teamed up with the dynamic and young guys of family first to co-create a modern and one of its kind male & female collection that I can wear everyday. And yes, I wear it to travel, to go to the office, or with heels for a night out.
If you know me you know that #empowerment of the individual (make you feel like you are in control of your own destiny and life) is one of my values. I’m an empowered woman and I want you too feel strong and invincible when wearing my new collection. That’s why the word e m p o w e r e d on so many pieces. Check it out if you want more.. visit FAMILY FIRST to grab the last remaining pieces.
It’s finally here and it’s going so well that some of the pieces are not even online anymore (I know, sold out in stores in Italy).. below a gallery of all of the unique pieces. What do you think?